Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Spending some time with Moby

So, I love NPR. You wanna know why?.... Well, I'll tell ya why. There are many many reasons, but for the sake of this post please allow me to indulge in just one. NPR has a tremendous respect for great art and does a fantastic job reporting, supporting, and educating the masses in this realm. Over the past few years I have loved listening to interviews with different artist and musicians I had never heard of before and then going to their website and listening and reading further. Great Stuff I tell you! Occasionally they will have a story about an artist that I, as well as the rest of the world probably knows about. About a month ago I stumbled upon one such article. It was titled "Exclusive First Listen: Moby, 'Wait For Me'" When I fist clicked on the story and saw Moby there with his big black framed glasses and his bald head I started to drag my little arrow back up to the tool bar to find a more interesting story. Something a little more indy and a little less 1990's. That's when some strange force seemed to reach out through the screen of my computer and poke me in the forehead. Then with a loud shout said "Hey! Chris! Give Moby a Chance." sooooo...I did, and I am very glad about it. I was very inspired by listening to his newest record and actually, it kind of sent me into a spiraling google search, which taxied me with ease back and forth between YouTube videos, Moby's website, Facebook, Wikipedia, and the whole lot. I actually know quite a lot about the guy now. I enjoyed his many videos on YouTube and enjoyed reading the several comments below the videos about how much his music was speaking to people. In the land of YouTube one is hard pressed to find so many positive comments about it's content. Moby's videos are full of people's comments about being encouraged. How great is that! Needless to say, all of this was and is very inspiring to me. I feel like the music that is in my heart is in a similar genre as this guy, and here I was so quick to judge and throw him into the pot with all the rest of the sold out pop artists who are making ba-jillions by selling crap. So, here's to Moby!

This was one of my favorites!
Not sure who created the video.


DTDorrin said...

I love NPR and feel like in the Christian world it's like alcohol. Before you come out and just say you love it, you have to feel around to make sure everyone won't think you're a liberal nut or something. But All Songs Considered is one of the greatest ways to find good music, hands down.

Anyway--I'm excited to see what you do with your music! I've been reading your wife's blog for a while and knew you had musical talent. Can't wait to see how God uses you!

Christopher Clark said...

wait..... Isn't NPR a type of beer??


Candace said...

Loved that video!

MoMar said...

Chris: I absolutely agree !! I discovered the John Jorgenson Quintet on NPR ...check this out.